Wellbeing & Counselling Services

Wellbeing & Counselling Services in the Royal Borough of Kingston

Talking Therapy & Counselling

iCope: Kingston Psychological Therapies

You can self-refer to this service and a range of therapy is on offer, from on-line to group therapy and one-to-one treatment.


 020 3317 7850 


 Alcohol Concerns or information



For problem drinking/Substance misuse

Kingston Drug and Alcohol Service:

Kingston Bereavement Service

 020 8547 1552


Relationship Counselling


0300 003 0396



Domestic Violence

One Stop Shop drop in Mondays 9:30-12:30

Kingsgate Church, The Empire, 161a Clarence Street Kingston KT1 1QT

020 7259 2424

Mind in Kingston

Advice and information on MH conditions

020 8255 3939


Books on Prescription

Kingston libraries and Mind in Kingston have a collection of 150 self-help books which aim to help people with mild to moderate mental health problems learn more about their conditions and provide steps to overcoming their symptoms. To find your nearest library please visit


Need to speak to someone urgently? The local Samaritans office is located at 2 Wheatfield Way, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 2QS


116 123 (this number is free to call)

020 8399 6676 (local number)

Wellbeing Activities

Connected Kingston

Making links, connecting communities

020 8255 3335


Volunteer Gardening



 0203 5596 777

Walk for Health

National programme of free weekly walks

020 8296 9747



 Fit as a Fiddle (over 50)

call Grace the Fit as a Fiddle Coordinator

020 8942 8256


You can also visit


Get Active Exercise Referral – small charge

Discuss with your GP or Contact Get Active Directly

020 8547 6666


Change 4 Life

0300 123 4567


Financial Stress & Advice

Citizen’s Advice Bureau

020 3166 0953

Weight Loss

Weightwatchers and Slimming World are available to Kingston Borough residents for a free 12 week course, as long as you have a BMI of 30 or above (or 25 with an increased health risk). Your GP or practice nurse can advise you on whether you qualify and what your BMI is if you do not know.

Healthy Lifestyles Helpline

020 8547 6666
