National Helplines

Here are the freephone numbers of some of the larger national voluntary groups There are many more that can give you help or advice Ask your local Citizen's Advice Bureau, DIAL (national number given below), your local library, or the Health Information Service about them "A Practical Guide for People with Learning Disabilities" and "A Practical Guide for Disabled People" from the Department of Health both contain a list of many organisations For your free copy, write to the Department of Health, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH.

Age Concern

0800 009966

Alzheimer's Society

020 73060606

British Council of Disabled People

0133 2295 551

Cancer link

0800 132905

Carers' National Helpline

0808 808 7777

Caring Matters

Advice on the legal aspects of care - 020 7402 2702

DeafblindUK - 0800 131 320

Advice for people who are deaf and blind - 01733 358858


Advice line for disability information - 0130 2310123

Disability Benefits Helpline

Advice and information about benefits for people with disabilities and their carers - 0800 882 200

Disability Rights Commission

0845 7622633

Disabled Living Foundation

Advice about equipment - 08706 039177

Disabled Parents Network

0870 241 0450

Help the Aged

020 7253 0253

MENCAP - 020 7608 3254

Supports people with learning disabilities, their families and carers - 020 74540454

Missing Persons Helpline

0500 700 700

National Council for Independent living

Advice, support and information on personal assistance and support (direct payments) scheme - 020 7587 1663

National Debitline

0121359 5801

NHS Direct


People First

Advice, support and information by and for people with learning disabilities - 020 7713 6400

Royal National Institute for Deaf People

0870 605 0123
Textphone: 0870 6033007

Royal National Institute for the Blind

0345 669 999


Advice, support and information to people with mental illness and their families, professionals and the general public - 0345 678 000


Advice and information service, run by Help the Aged, for older people and their carers - 0808 800 6565


London Housing Aid Centre - 020 72749998